Internal Reworkings

Hello there, I am currently working on the next update with some major considerations to make.

First off, the text editor, Atom, used to code previous versions has been deprecated and is no longer supported, and also has a history of causing bugs in projects. I will be switching to Microsoft Visual Studio Code, which i am still not used to, so i will be spending time learning my way around. Secondly, the code to begin with was scrambled together and is particularly hard to work around, so I'll be rewriting it, making changes as i see fit. If you made any saves, they will NOT work with the next update. I will also adjust how updates are named, as an example, going from a format of 1.0-3 to 1.0.3 as well as appending letters to minor revisions, such as 1.0.3a and such.

As for the actual project itself, i am considering adding a secondary perspective, another route if you will, where you can either be the forecaster, which is currently the original and only route, or a storm chaser, which might be added in later updates to give you more flexibility in the story. Plans are to have each route interact with each other as they do in real life, an example could be how forecasters issue warnings and chasers send in storm reports to verify those warnings. With this change, i am also considering changing the name of the project to "Follow the Polygon". Let me know if you like it and are interested in the proposed new route.

That's all for now. Have a nice day.

Get WxFore II

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